Pre-Orders Opening Again

I will be opening up for pre-orders again today. These orders will be for my Summer Production Batch which will start immediately after the Spring Batch has concluded. I am hoping to start the Summer Production Batch no later than the end of July, meaning I anticipate I will be done with all the Xeniths from the Spring Production batch by then.

For those in this production batch who have yet to hear from me, not to worry. I am ahead of schedule and expect that I will deliver on, or before, your estimated wait time. On my end, production for this batch has been going very well. I’ve been able to keep a very rigorous pace and my arm hasn’t fallen off yet.

To those who are interested in pre-ordering another Xenith, it will work the same as last time. You can do that here.

The next batch of shells for Summer Production is being freighted to the heat treaters this week and I am getting ready to place another big order for bags. Unfortunately, steel prices have gone through the roof, and shipping bags via boat across the Pacific will take 2 weeks longer than last time.

That’s it for now. Time to go make another Xenith!


Production Headaches


HCU and a Production Update