Arrival EP by HeartSleeve

Hi Colin,

Reaching out to share some of the music that has come out of the C# Celtic Clarity Xenith7 you crafted last winter. The handpan has really brought the music I've been working on for the last ~5 years to another level, so thank you for facilitating!

HeartSleeve is the live electronic collaboration of Rourke Healey (handpan, flute, percussion, computer), Ellen Chamberlin (vocals) and Calvin Wright (guitar) and comes out of three years of sonic experimentation in the East Bay.

Arrival marks the emergence of HeartSleeve. It follows the rising and falling cycles of the moon as a meditation on the ephemeral nature of all things. Enjoy in solitude or in community, in your bed or amongst the trees. Thank you for listening. May it bring you peace and warmth.


Handpans and Cymatics


Handpan Day!